Do The Next Right Thing

Another new year is upon us, and with the turn of a calendar page, we entertain resolutions to make the next 365 days the best yet. Raise your hand if you want to eat better, go to the gym, or read a certain number of books in the new year.

I’m not a fan of the term “New Year Resolutions”, because I believe we should be inspired to change and improve any day of the year, but I do find myself feeling EXTRA inspired as a new year, new month, new week, or new age approaches. It makes for easy tracking.

This year, I’ve selected 3 very small, very easy to accomplish daily habits that will lead me to reaching my bigger goals, like losing weight. It’s in the small daily decisions we make in our lives that either move us forward or backwards.

Change Your Life by Changing Your Daily Habits.

My 3 Daily Habits for 2023 are:

  1. Walk with purpose for at least 10 minutes a day.
  2. Knit at least 1 row per day.
  3. Take my medication every day.

Reaching your goals is not just about accomplishing the big tasks. It’s about all of the little things in between: your daily choices.

If you always do the next thing that needs to be done, you will go most safely and sure-footedly along the path prescribed by your unconscious.

-Carl Jung

When I look at my big fat hairy goal of “lose 25 lbs”, it’s daunting. It’s hard to see the forest through the trees, as they say. But when I commit to “10 minutes of intentional walking” every day, I am learning to commit my time, energy, and mind to the process.

Are you ready to commit your time, energy, and mind to your goals? Join the exclusive KCH Collective Coaching Facebook Group to be with like-minded individuals and get accountability, motivation, and support for whatever you are working on!