Tame the To Dos with a Master Schedule

Master Schedules: The Benefits and How to Build One for Your Busy Family

Do you ever feel like you are constantly spinning your wheels? Does it sometimes feel like your “to-do” list is never “to-done”? Is there never enough time? Do you sometimes think everyone else “adults” better than you? 

There is a major difference between Routines and Schedules. Routines are a set of tasks; for example, your “Get Ready” routine may include taking a shower, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and styling your hair. Schedules are associated with time and often have a set start and end. A thorough and complete Master Schedule will include both your routines and your daily commitments.

The Benefits of a Master Schedule

Everyone has the same 168 hours in a week. Building a Master Schedule has many benefits. A Master Schedule can help…

… ease the stress you may feel to do everything at the same time.

… delegate to other able-bodied members of your family.

… shine a light on the areas you are regularly feeling more overwhelmed.

… you to learn more how to have more compassion for yourself and the expectations you have.

All of that sounds great, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to feel less stressed and more compassionate? As a professional organizer, I often feel like I have to have it all together… that I have to be ON IT at all times, or I have failed my family, my friends, my audience (that’s you!), and myself. The truth is, most, if not all, of my strengths came from a place of crisis and chaos. Over the years, I have been coming up with solutions to minimize life’s chaos. Some solutions have worked for our family, others have not and end up tucked in my “toolbox”. Today, I share with you a method that has consistently worked for this overloaded mama/soloprenuer brain.

How To Build a Build a Schedule for Your Family

Step 1: Print up a FREE 7-day Master Schedule Template.

  • This template has “Early AM – Evening” and time slots from 6:00 am-8:30 pm in 30-minute increments (for the insanely early risers or night-owls)
  • Print multiples so you can make edits. (FAIR WARNING: like a budget, you probably won’t get it right the first time.) and/or use different papers for different family members.

Step 2: Fill in time-specific items, such as school hours, work hours, or lessons. 

  • These are things that the time and day remain constant. 
  • Be sure to account for drive time or the amount of time it will take you to get your kids in and out of the car. When adding something new to the schedule, I like to use Alexa to set reminders to 1) get ready to leave, and 2) get in the car to keep my kids on track and to not have to hold that information in my brain.

Step 3: Set your wake-up time and mealtimes (including prep)

  • It’s awesome to be able to tell the kids “Lunch is at noon”, instead of “I’ll get food in a few minutes”. (This goes back to the “kids thrive on consistency” that I talked about in the post about recognizing and creating healthy habit routines.)

Step 4: Prioritize your routines, goals,  and commitments.

  • Estimate and assign an amount of time you’ll need for each item. 
  • Always round up so it builds a buffer into your day. For example, if it usually takes 1 hour to grocery shop for the week, block off 1.5 hours so it won’t eat into the time allotted for the next task.

Step 5: Hang the Master Schedule in a central location.

  • Putting the schedule in a central location makes it easier for everyone to refer back to. 

Things to keep in mind when creating a Master Schedule: 

  1. Be flexible. Your idea of a perfect schedule may not be feasible given your commitments. 
  2. Be ready: If a task needs prep beforehand, be sure to schedule that, too! 
  3. If you “fall behind”, reassess the importance of the following tasks and adjust. 
  4. Schedules, like budgets, are NOT meant to be straight-jackets. They are meant to give you a sense of control over your life, peace over what’s coming, and help you learn how to adapt and overcome set-backs.

SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT: If budgets are stressing you out and you’re ready to gain control of your money and your peace of mind, you should check out this handsome fellows FREE 5-Day Budgeting Challenge. #HesTaken

Suggested Items to Add to your Master Schedule

Routines/Daily TasksSet Scheduled Items
Get ReadySchool
Prep/cook/eat mealsWork
HomeworkExtracurricular Lessons
Tidying the houseChurch
Walking the dog

How Katie Can Help

If you need help creating a customized Master Schedule for your family consider ordering a Customized Printable.  

Included in this $60 service:

  • A Custom Printable Intake Call
  • A completed Master Schedule
  • Up to 2 basic edits (adding, deleting, moving items) within 1 week of the printable’s creation.

Book a free consult now